Tag: Gospel Centered Counseling

Book Review: Family Discipleship – Leading Your Home Through Time, Moments, and Milestones

A review of Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin’s book Family Discipleship: Leading Your Home Through Time, Moments, and Milestones” shouldn’t need a lot of detailed discussion. It’s a short read, with just 147 pages, and fairly simple read at that. The book though, does pack a punch in a very specific way and has a […]


Hope I can remember what living without hope feels like. It’s like having an empty void in the center of your being that just eats at any and everything. Anything you place in your life quickly gets sucked up by the vacuum of hopelessness. “What’s the point?” begins to become your motto. And eventually as […]

3 Reasons for Gospel Centered Counseling

There’s Cognitive-behavior therapy, behavior-modification, narrative-therapy, and a rather long list of other types of counseling theories. Why then is Gospel Centered Counseling something worth advocating? Isn’t it just another way of helping people like all the others? 1. Gospel Centered Counseling is THE Counseling Theory When God created man and we experienced our first problem […]

Freedom from Addiction: The Dichotomy

Freedom From Addiction: The Dichotomy As a teenager, I had found myself seeking self-identity and self-pleasure in a number of addictions; food, pornography, and video games were a few of those I sought solace in from the pain of the world around me. It wasn’t just a place to enjoy myself, it was a place […]